Thursday, September 30, 2010

7 dayz til MIAMI!!!! :o)

Quote of the day

"All violations of essential privacy are brutalizing."
Katharine Fullerton Gerould
 I cant believe society can be so cruel as to invade some1s private life and force them out their comfort, what is this world coming to where you cant have your private life be private...


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Quote of the day

"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out."
Roy Croft

I Love it When my Mister Plays this Song on the Piano

Robin Thicke - The Sweetest Love

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I Miss You

Not a day goes by
Where I lose my mind
Just thinking of what happened this summer
Til this day I still can’t believe it
I live day by day wishing it didn’t
But it did & it hurts
Random days I wake up out my sleep
Tearing for hrs
With no1 to turn too 4 or 5 in the morning
But when it hits daylight I wish I could turn to some1 at home
To tell them how I feel or what just happened
But I cant
I cant cuz they show no care
I cant cuz they don’t care
I cant cuz im not worth caring about.
I miss her cuz I can’t believe that’s she gone
I miss her cuz I can’t believe she’s really gone
I miss her
I miss her
I miss her
Days go by when I just wish we could switch places
Because as much as your missed by your family
I know mine wouldn’t

I miss you Tish, you’re always in my heart & my good dreams of great times we had together
02/24/88-06/23/10 Saddest Day of my life

The Unfair Truth

It's like I don't exist
in this world of sex & ecstasy

You all comfort her
and forget about me

When I ask to speak with you
you just look at me

When i tell you how I'm feeling
i give you everything

Once you tell me what to do
you look away from me

Its like its back to her
and forget about me

To The Mother I Never Had

 i wrote this a long time ago but it seems the words just never change.
This is to You.
I'm miserable without you
The person in your place
 Is the devil in disguise.
Its Hard living without you
day by day.
Mothers day is days away
and i cant even say it
to the one in you place.
i'm not happy
nor excited.
i cannot live a lie
i dont like her
i despise her
i have no love for her.
to the mother i never had
Happy Mothers Day to YOU
Because I know 
Would be all i had.

When you least expect it, What Goes Around...Comes Around

SHit happens huh.. well when you least expect it, expect shit to happen