Thursday, March 3, 2011

Whats Been Happening With Me

I notice i didn't write a thing in February and that is because last month was just very EMOTIONAL, PAINFUL, & AGGRAVATING.

The emotional aspect was the fact that 1 day made 8 freaking months since i lost a great friend and the next day was her 23rd birthday. That entire week my emotions went up and down so much that i just had to keep to myself because i didn't want to let any1 know what i was feeling. I bottle so much in but i went thru it on my own and received a little bit of help from my mister and my pup. Even if i didn't want to i had to get thru it 1 way or another. i Love Tish and will forever have her in my heart.

The Painful aspect was the fact that i got 4 wisdom teeth pulled on Valentines day thank to my mother -_-. Waking up from that experience had to be the worst pain ever. i def didn't know i could get them pulled 2 at a time but as usual no1 told me not even the doctor -_-. i spent 2 days extremely sick, 6 days for my face to get back to normal or close to it and 2 weeks to get feeling again. If you get your teeth pulled don't do it all at 1nce cuz its gonna hurt bad.

Last the Aggravating part of February was realizing that my life has continued to spiral out of control and I'm coming so close to loosing it. From young i had plans for what I'm suppose to be doing now and where i am suppose to be but I'm NOT. I'm unhappy and trying to find a way to change that. Cant seem to get the help i need so I have to do things for myself. Cant deal with anymore downfalls so its gotta be up from here. I'm bring it back to how i wanted things to be even if its late in the game. I love to sew and i love to knit so fashion is what I'm about. I'm drawing my ideas and want to bring it to life. That is why my Collection my designs has been named Grab Life. More info will be up soon but for now if you need to Grab Life hit me up and i can make you look Fab ;-)

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